Page 725 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 20 March 2018

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families with the opportunity to develop effective family plans that will keep their children safe at home. This restorative practice seeks to divert families away from Children’s Court processes and ensure that all members of a child’s family are contacted and encouraged to be involved in the decision-making process about their children’s situation.

MR MILLIGAN: Minister, is the government receiving a greater or smaller number of reports about Indigenous children that could be considered vexatious or without foundation?

MS STEPHEN-SMITH: I re-emphasise that all child concern reports are serious and that I have never, ever made any allegation that child concern reports are vexatious in any way. We do not consider them in that way at all. All child concern reports that are received by the directorate are taken seriously and are treated in that vein.

Government—city and gateway strategy

MS CHEYNE: My question is to the Minister for Urban Renewal. Minister, can you inform the Assembly about the city and gateway framework recently released for community consultation?

MR GENTLEMAN: I thank Ms Cheyne for her interest in consultation with the community and in the government’s work there. I was very pleased earlier this month, alongside the CEO of the National Capital Authority, to launch the draft city and gateway urban design framework. The draft framework represents a shared view on the future development of the Northbourne Avenue corridor from the ACT Federal Highway border through to the shores of Lake Burley Griffin.

The draft framework proposes to bring together the dual planning controls of the ACT government and the NCA to plan for the right balance of development that encourages growth through densification while enhancing the open space and the landscape for which Canberra is well known.

The ACT government and the NCA have already worked closely on the development of the light rail along Northbourne Avenue, ensuring that the project revitalises the city, improves transport options and delivers a vision that is consistent with the National Capital Plan and the Griffin legacy.

The draft framework is designed to guide future planning controls, development and urban renewal along the gateway corridor into the city centre, to enable more people to live and work close to sustainable transport options, services and infrastructure while preserving the best of the bush capital.

MS CHEYNE: Minister, how can interested members of the community have their say on this important framework?

MR GENTLEMAN: Community engagement on the draft framework provides the community with the opportunity to participate in a conversation that sets the tone, quality and future character of Australia’s capital city. As travellers cross the border

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