Page 1036 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 2018

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(3) As with other private and non-government sector entities, the ACT does not regulate the collection and storage of private information by clubs. Where applicable, the Australian Privacy Principles and Commonwealth laws regulate the collection, storage, and use of personal information by entities other than the ACT Government (and its contracted entities).

(4) The ACT does not set technical specifications for the storage of data by clubs as the privacy rules and regulations that apply to non-government entities are set by the Commonwealth.

(5) As noted in the responses to the previous questions, the legal and regulatory obligations of clubs in relation to information they collect depends upon the provisions of any relevant legislation that applies to them. There is not a general provision in ACT legislation setting information management standards for clubs. Provisions of the Privacy Act and the APPs, as they apply to a club, or other legislation imposing requirements for the purposes of particular regulatory schemes may be relevant to the treatment of information by clubs, including whether there are any limits on disclosure to third parties.

Housing—homelessness services
(Question No 917)

Ms Le Couteur asked the Minister for Housing and Suburban Development, upon notice, on 16 February 2018:

(1) In relation to the $100 000 noted in the Community Services Directorate Annual Report 2016-2017 allocated to “fund professional development initiatives for frontline housing and homelessness services to improve organisational capacity and staff capability”, with further notes that funding would be delivered in the 2018-2019 Budget in the context of the closure of Inanna and Capital Community Housing, what form will this training or professional development take.

(2) Who will provide this training or professional development.

(3) Which organisations and people will be able to access it.

(4) Is this training for people with specific roles (eg tenancy managers, property managers, leadership team) or for staff as a whole.

(5) Will board members and volunteers of participating organisations will be able to access this training or professional development.

(6) What consultation has been conducted with housing and homelessness services about what they need in terms of professional development.

Ms Berry: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Following the closure of Inanna and Capital Community Housing in 2016, the ACT Government recognised that frontline housing and homelessness services required additional support to enhance organisational capability and staff capacity.

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