Page 601 - Week 02 - Thursday, 22 February 2018

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MADAM SPEAKER: I did not hear the member. Before I go to you, if it is on the point of order—

Mr Coe: It is on the point of order.

MADAM SPEAKER: Can I finish? I do not know how many times I have raised the point about not only interjections but language that is disrespectful. It may not be considered unparliamentary by the absolute rule of the standing orders but certainly much of the interjection is offensive and disrespectful. I ask people to be very mindful of that.

Mr Coe: Madam Speaker, on your ruling, the question was: what legal recourse? In effect, you could also say: what recourse? The point of saying “legal” is not to seek a legal opinion but, in effect, to ask what contractual recourse is available. We could have easily dropped the word “legal” and we would have had, in effect, the same meaning. What recourse will be open to businesses to seek compensation? In effect, what contractual recourse, what legal recourse or any recourse is open to them? It is right and proper that the minister answer that.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Coe, I have made a ruling.

Mr Gentleman: Madam Speaker, on the point of order.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Gentleman.

Mr Gentleman: Madam Speaker, you have made a ruling. There is no debate on your ruling. It is important I think that you reaffirm that.

Mrs Dunne: I do not think you had a chance to finish making your ruling.

MADAM SPEAKER: I did say that I had ruled that supplementary out of order, and as for how questions are structured, I think we all should be mindful of that. I took advice; I was very clear to members that I took advice from the Clerk, and I have used that advice to base my opinion on.

Mr Coe: On your ruling, if we were to say what contractual recourse will be open, would that have been permissible?

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Coe, I have made a ruling, and I am not debating it. The ruling has been made. The supp has been made out of order, and all of us should be very mindful about how you structure your questions.

Mr Milligan: Madam Speaker, can I rephrase the question?

MADAM SPEAKER: I will give you this one chance, but from now on, there is no more go-back. Mr Coe, I don’t appreciate that little snigger from you.

Mr Coe: No, I was commending James for the—

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