Page 5268 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 29 November 2017

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MS FITZHARRIS (Yerrabi—Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Minister for Transport and City Services and Minister for Higher Education, Training and Research) (4.06): I move amendment No 13 circulated in my name, which opposes clause 12 [see schedule 1 at page 5335]. This clause retains existing section 57(a) as it is important to keep the current requirement that a dangerous dog must be seized where a keeper has contravened a dangerous dog licence and the authorised person reasonably believes, having regard to the safety of the public, that the contravention justifies the seizure.

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (4.06): The opposition believes that the bill as tabled should stand and that we should not be, in effect, omitting this. The government are seeking, through their opposition to this clause, to rely on the discretionary powers of the registrar under section 57(a)(ii). There is no grey area here. We believe that if the keeper has contravened a condition of the dangerous dog licence as a question of fact, the dog should be seized.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 12 negatived.

Proposed new clause 12A.

MS FITZHARRIS (Yerrabi—Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Minister for Transport and City Services and Minister for Higher Education, Training and Research) (4.08): I move amendment No 14 circulated in my name, which inserts new clause 12A [see schedule 1 at page 5336]. This clause gives the registrar the ability to seize a dog if the keeper has not complied with a multiple dog licence.

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (4.08): The opposition will be supporting this amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Proposed new clause 12A agreed to.

Clause 13.

MS FITZHARRIS (Yerrabi—Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Minister for Transport and City Services and Minister for Higher Education, Training and Research) (4.08): I move amendment No 15 circulated in my name [see schedule 1 at page 5336]. This clause substitutes sections 59 and 60 to require an authorised person to seize a dog if the person reasonably suspects the dog attacked a person and the attack caused the death of, or serious injury to, a person. An authorised person may seize a dog if the person suspects the dog attacked and caused a non-serious injury to a person, a serious injury to an animal, harassed a person or animal or is aggressive or menacing.

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