Page 4971 - Week 13 - Thursday, 2 November 2017

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Answers to questions

Transport—light rail stage 2
(Question No 496)

Mr Coe asked the Minister for Transport and City Services, upon notice, on 18 August 2017:

(1) How many submissions were received as part of the community consultation on the Light Rail Stage 2 route.

(2) How many submissions were received from (a) individuals and (b) organisations.

(3) What feedback was received in relation to stops along the Light Rail Stage 2 route.

(4) Will the community have an opportunity to comment on possible stops along the route once a preferred route for Light Rail Stage 2 has been determined.

(5) When was the Consultation Summary Report due to be released following the closure of the community consultation period on 11 June 2017.

(6) Why has the release of the Consultation Summary Report been delayed.

(7) When is the Consultation Summary Report expected to be released.

(8) Has a draft copy of the Consultation Summary Report been distributed to any external organisations; if so, which organisations received a copy of the report.

(9) What was the total cost of the community consultation on the Light Rail Stage 2 route.

(10) When was the “Your Say” webpage on “Light Rail Stage 2 City to Woden” last updated.

Ms Fitzharris: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Transport Canberra received 1796 written submissions in response to the community consultation on the Light Rail Stage 2 route.

(2) Transport Canberra received eight formal submissions from organisations; five formal submissions from individuals and 1,783 submissions were received via the online portal, Your Say ( These responses were not analysed as to whether they were from individuals or organisations.

(3) Please refer to the Light Rail Update at ‘Stop locations’ p.12.

(4) Yes. There will be opportunities for the community to share their feedback through formal planning processes and community engagement activities.

(5) The Light Rail Update, released on 21 August 2017, included the community consultation feedback.

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