Page 4925 - Week 13 - Thursday, 2 November 2017
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previous animal welfare or racing offences. A breeding licence will be required for those who breed racing greyhounds. Breeders will be required to notify the registrar of the details of any greyhound litters within seven days of their birth. Breeding racing greyhounds in a way that contravenes the breeding standard will be an animal welfare offence whether or not that breeding is for profit.
The government is committed to working with those ACT residents who continue to be involved in greyhound racing to ensure that they understand their obligations under the new monitoring framework, which will include a mandatory code of practice developed in consultation with industry and animal welfare experts. The increased costs associated with enhanced monitoring of owning, breeding and training greyhounds for racing elsewhere will be recovered through fees for racing greyhound registration and racing greyhound controller licences. Owners of pet, rescue or retired greyhounds will not be liable for these additional registration requirements or costs.
The welfare of greyhounds is at the centre of this important initiative. I am pleased to inform the Assembly that, as well as meeting industry participants, the greyhound industry transition task force has met with animal welfare and greyhound rehoming organisations to discuss the industry transition from the perspective of those involved in rehoming or caring for racing greyhounds. We are fortunate to have a pool of dedicated and skilled community members who have the best interests of the dogs at heart and who are prepared to foster and rehome greyhounds that are retired as a result of this transition process. In addition, the staff of domestic animal services are, as always, prepared to assist the rehoming of greyhounds and, indeed, all dogs in need of this service.
The government recognises the impact that these measures will have on those who have had greyhound racing as an important part of their economic and social lives, sometimes for generations. The government made the decision to end greyhound racing in the ACT because it came to the view that it was necessary to do so to protect the welfare of greyhounds. These bills reflect the community’s expectations that we provide strong protection for the welfare of the animals under our control. I commend the bill to the Assembly.
Debate (on motion by Mr Parton) adjourned to the next sitting.
Legislative Assembly Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
Debate resumed from 14 September 2017, on motion by Ms Burch:
That this bill be agreed to in principle.
MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella—Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Minister for Planning and Land Management and Minister for Urban Renewal) (3.13): I thank Madam Speaker for bringing this bill to the Assembly, and I am pleased to advise that the government will be supporting it. Many of the proposed amendments in this bill arise from the 2016 strategic review of the Auditor-General. The strategic review included recommendations that certain Assembly committees review legislation affecting the
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