Page 3649 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 13 September 2017

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As the middle class grows across Asia, it is vital that we appeal to these tourists for our industry to continue to grow. These visitors have a significant impact on our economy. As of March 2017, they represented $2.35 billion in total expenditure in this city. Total expenditure from international visitors was $521.7 million, with the average international visitor spending $115 per night. This represents a 27 per cent increase in international visitor expenditure since the previous year, the fastest growing rate of any jurisdiction. Domestic visitors represented $1.57 billion in total expenditure, with overnight visitors spending $247 per night and day trippers spending $139 per trip.

Various government programs and initiatives have contributed to this increase in visitation. The direct flights from Canberra international airport to Singapore have made a very positive impact, and, as I mentioned before, visitors from Singapore rose 72 per cent since the previous year. These numbers will continue to grow as more international routes are added, further growing our economy.

Cheaper domestic airlines like Tigerair have also meant that it is far easier for people across Australia to visit Canberra. The recent 2017 budget has allocated funds to event spaces such as GIO Stadium, Exhibition Park and Manuka Oval, making these venues more appealing to large-scale events.

Overall, this tourism activity represents a $2 billion contribution to Canberra’s economy. Tourism creates jobs and currently there are 16,400 Canberrans working in the tourism industry. It is important that Canberra has a diverse economy for our city’s wellbeing. Further investment in the tourism industry will further assist in diversifying our economy and will allow this sector to continue to grow, creating more jobs and more opportunities for Canberrans.

Our city is home to a host of wonderful events that reflect the unique personality of our city. Not only are these major tourist events; they help make Canberra an exciting place to live for our local residents. Eighty-five per cent of Canberrans agree that events improve the quality of life in Canberra.

Canberra’s events cover the interests of a diverse range of people. One of our largest events is Floriade, which attracts about 400,000 local, interstate and international visitors each and every year. Floriade is a unique event, and highlights the natural beauty that Canberra’s climate and location can produce. It has a broad appeal, across ages and all backgrounds.

The Enlighten festival and the National Multicultural Festival bring roughly 280,000 visitors each per year. Again, these cultural events highlight the beauty of our city itself, and also the vibrancy of its inhabitants. Other notable events include the National Folk Festival, the Canberra Balloon Spectacular, Skyfire, Summernats, Australia Day and New Year’s Eve celebrations. There are many other great events, but I will run out of time if I keep talking about them.

These events all have an enormously positive impact on Canberra’s civic life. They act as advertisements for our city, showing visitors that Canberra is a safe, welcoming and fun city to live, work, study and play in.

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