Page 3421 - Week 09 - Thursday, 24 August 2017

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(4) With which NGOs did you have those discussions and on what dates.

(5) To what extent did those discussions inform you as to the need for new treatment facilities for adolescent mental health patients announced in the ACT Government budget for 2017-18.

(6) What is your plan, including (but not limited to) the timetable, for attracting more child and adolescent mental health specialist service providers, both public and private, to the ACT.

Mr Rattenbury: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) ACT Health’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) has identified gaps in the provision of outreach services and after hours support for 12-18 year olds who are experiencing serious mental health issues with barriers to accessing office base treatment or have been discharged from hospital.

In February 2016, the Standing Committee on Health, Ageing, Community and Social Services was tasked with holding an inquiry into Youth Suicide and Self Harm in the ACT. This inquiry examined ACT Government roles and responsibilities in regard to youth mental health and suicide prevention. It also examined the role of ACT government-funded services, agencies and institutions in promoting resilience and responding to mental health issues in children and young people. This process identified gaps in child and adolescent mental health services in the ACT.

(2) CAMHS identified a gap in outreach services for 12-18 year olds with moderate to severe mental health issues.

Money has been committed in the 2017/18 to provide a dedicated adolescent inpatient unit in the ACT.

Access to mental health services for young people, including gaps and limitations of service provision was a key theme of the inquiry into Youth Suicide and Self Harm in the ACT and subsequent final report. ACT Government operated services and possible gaps for young people were discussed regarding the following domains:

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

Hospital Based Services

Community Based Services

School Based Services


(3) The initial consultations undertaken as part of the inquiry into Youth Suicide and Self Harm in the ACT informed the ACT Governments pre-election commitment to significantly expand mental health services in the ACT.

Following on from the inquiry and as the ACT’s first Minister for Mental Health, I have met with a range of relevant organisations and individuals in order to discuss their services and the implementation of my planned reforms around the provision of mental health services in the ACT. These meetings have covered a broad range of issues in relation to mental health.

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