Page 3358 - Week 09 - Thursday, 24 August 2017

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audit then followed on with subsequent work. I will take the precise detail of the question on notice.

MS LAWDER: On what date was the decision made to replace the cladding?

MS FITZHARRIS: I thank Ms Lawder for the supplementary. I will take the specific date on notice; but of course I emphasise that the cladding will be replaced.

MR COE: Minister, how will you guarantee that the replacement cladding is safe, and what changes are in place to the procurement process to ensure that no dangerous materials are again used in hospital constructions?

MS FITZHARRIS: I note that the material that was used in the construction of the Centenary hospital was safe and compliant at the time of construction. I understand it remains compliant, and, as has been confirmed by ACT Fire & Rescue, the building is safe.

ACT Health—data management

MR WALL: My question is to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing. Minister, I refer to a Canberra Times report published online on 23 August that the cost to date of fixing the serious problems with health data is $1.2 million. Minister, what will be the final cost of fixing the serious problems with health data?

MS FITZHARRIS: I thank Mr Wall for the question. I will not know the answer to that until the review is completed in March next year.

MR WALL: Minister, how will the data in the 2016-17 Health Directorate annual report be verified?

MS FITZHARRIS: I am tempted to refer again to the standing order which asks that members do not ask questions that have been previously answered—117, I believe, Madam Speaker—but, to reiterate, as I said yesterday and in previous sitting weeks, next month I will table the next quarterly update on the ACT Health system-wide data review. In that quarterly report I will provide further information based on recommendations from the panel overseeing the data review—which includes representatives from the national health funding body and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare—on how ACT Health will report on data during the conduct of the review. That will include how ACT Health reports on data in the context of the annual report.

MR COE: Minister, will any of the rectified data that will get passed on to AIHW and the commonwealth Department of Health have an impact on past funding or the current national partnership?

MS FITZHARRIS: I have answered this question previously. To my knowledge, and to ACT Health’s knowledge at this stage, there will be no impact on past funding.

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