Page 3000 - Week 08 - Thursday, 17 August 2017

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d) The highest paid Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employee in JACS is a Contract Executive.

(2) Steps the Directorate has taken to educate and equip staff to be more culturally aware of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples include the Directorate’s commitment under its Reconciliation Action Plan 2016-2019 for 90% of staff who have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues, volunteers and customers to attend Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness learning activities. These activities include:

a) staff participation in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness training programs; and

b) participation in events of significance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through the JACS RAP Working Group and Ambassadors incorporating:

i) Reconciliation Week in which JACS hosted a barbeque lunch on 1 June 2017 which showcased reconciliation in action in the Directorate

ii) National Sorry Day where staff participated in the Bridge walk on 26 May 2017

iii) National Close the Gap Day on 16 March 2017, with a screening of a documentary film ‘Footprints on Our Land’ which portrayed the life and legacy of Ngunnawal Elder Aunty Agnes Shea. This was a joint even hosted with the Human Rights Commission

iv) NAIDOC Week celebrations, will be which included:

(A) ACT NAIDOC Awards Ball on 2 July 2016

(B) NAIDOC Flag Raising Ceremony on 4 July 2016

(C) Annual Combined ACT Corrective Service (ACTCS) and Southside Community Services Art Exhibition which showcased artworks from Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) and the community

(D) ACTCS organised the AMC Family Day on 11 July 2016 as part of the NAIDOC celebrations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander detainees. The celebration was also attended by local representatives from local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander agencies, family members and children and ACTCS staff. ACTCS also held an annual NAIDOC Art Exhibition in partnership with Southside Community Services.

JACS will also be participating in similar events for NAIDOC 2017.

b) JACS participation in more culturally aware ethnically diverse groups in the ACT.

These include:

i) “Engaging with Different Cultures” training; and

ii) the ACT Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) Address and Conversation: Diversity in the Australian Federal Police

c) JACS has a broader focus on diversity and inclusion space being the first ACT Directorate to implement an all encompassing commitment through the JACS

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