Page 2989 - Week 08 - Thursday, 17 August 2017

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Each year, the Chief Allied Health Office offers to subsidies the fees of identified students undertaking the Certificate IV Allied Health Assistance qualification through the CIT (by extension to the Yurauna centre at CIT).

In 2014 and 2016, the ACT Health Chief Allied Health Office and the Policy and Stakeholder Relations Branch sponsored the Health Fusion Interprofessional Team Challenge at the Indigenous Allied Health Australia National Conference.

In February 2017, two Aboriginal Australian School Based Apprenticeship students have been engaged into identified apprentice positions. They will undertake a Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology whilst gaining work experience in the Government and Communications Branch, ACT Health.


(a) ACT Health conducts Orientation course which all employees must attend, modules of this course are devoted to the Respect, Equity and Diversity (RED) Framework and ACT Health values covering employees Code of Conduct as an ACT Government employee and appropriate behaviours of an employee.

A mandatory training course is required to be completed by all employees; the course “Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and clients” is under the internal ACT Health Essential Education provided by the Staff Development Unit.

As well as the above course, Managers are required to undertake the “Human Rights” course as part of their Essential Education requirements (i.e. mandatory training)

In 2016, ACT Health’s organisational responsiveness to diversity issues was enhanced by expanding the focus of the Multicultural Health Policy Unit, formed in 2013. The renamed Multicultural Health and Diversity Policy Unit (MHDP Unit) has a primary focus on the following population groups, noting that they will often overlap:

People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds;

People of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex (which includes Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people; and

People with disabilities.

The Unit works to facilitate a more integrated and consistent response to diversity, particularly in relation to developing the broader cultural competence of ACT Health, in both clinical and non-clinical operational areas. This includes the development of face-to-face and e-learning training on cultural competence delivered at the organisational level through the Staff Development. The MHDP Unit also delivers tailored information and education to operational areas or teams. A comprehensive intranet site has also been developed to support staff in working with diversity.

Other areas of activity that are related to cultural competence include:

Addressing limited health literacy and providing comprehensive language services;

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