Page 2803 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 16 August 2017

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Public housing—renewal program

Public housing—maintenance

MS BERRY: In response to a question from Mr Parton yesterday I can provide the following information: there are 782 dwellings progressing or completed under the public housing renewal task force construction program and 497 dwellings have been purchased or are under contract through the expression of interest process. As I alluded to yesterday, replacement properties are being built and purchased in suburbs all across Canberra, in line with the government’s approach to providing public housing right across our community.

In addition, on the question today I can provide some clarity with regard to the housing maintenance contract. The new contract will kick off from 1 July 2018 with announcements on the tender process soon.

Legislative Assembly—chamber acoustics

MADAM ACTING SPEAKER: Just on a matter about the chamber, I know that former practice and standing orders say that you should address the chair but I have become very conscious that, especially when people sitting at the centre table speak, people behind them cannot hear. It may be that we are going to have to talk to the attendants about turning up the volume or something like that. I noticed Ms Le Couteur had problems hearing the Chief Minister earlier. It seemed that Mr Parton had problems hearing as well. It is just something we might have to keep in mind.

Supplementary answers to questions without notice


MS FITZHARRIS: Yesterday Ms Lawder asked questions about work underway in Gartside Street in Erindale, and I am pleased to advise that works have indeed commenced on Gartside Street improvements today. These stage 1 improvements, as we know, will focus on resolving on-street car parking, traffic issues, pedestrian safety and the amenity of the street. Gartside Street will be narrowed to slow cars, providing room for safer, indented car parking as well as more space on the verges for pedestrians, street trees, footpaths and paved gathering spaces, with seats, bins and bike racks.

Other improvements as part of the upgrade will include reducing the number of driveways along the street to remove conflict points for cars; improvements to the path on the southern verge to fill in the gaps in the existing path network; and a pedestrian crossing on Gartside Street, with lighting improvements rolled out to the new crossing and along the street.

The works will enhance the street character and encourage active living by improving pedestrian routes with appropriate infrastructure and landscape elements that are more people friendly and inviting.

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