Page 2694 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 15 August 2017

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Supplementary answer to question without notice

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre—complaints

MS STEPHEN-SMITH: While I do not have the exact words in front of me, I believe that, in response to a question I was asked, I referred to an “ongoing investigation”. I need to clarify that I was referring to investigations into the allegations that have been raised. To the best of my knowledge, there is currently no workplace misconduct investigation being undertaken in relation to these matters.


Madam Acting Speaker presented the following papers:

Estimates 2017-2018—Select Committee—Report—Appropriation Bill 2017-2018 and Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2017-2018—Speaker’s response to recommendation 14, dated 10 August 2017.

Acting Speaker—Instrument of Appointment, pursuant to standing order 6A—Assistant Speaker Steel (8 and 9 August 2017), dated 7 August 2017.

Financial Management Act—consolidated financial report

Paper and statement by minister

MR BARR (Kurrajong—Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development and Minister for Tourism and Major Events) (3.39): For the information of members, I present the following paper:

Financial Management Act, pursuant to section 26—Consolidated Financial Report—Financial quarter ending 30 June 2017.

I ask leave to make a statement in relation to the paper.

Leave granted.

MR BARR: I present to the Assembly the June quarter consolidated financial report for the territory. This report is required under section 26 of the Financial Management Act 1996. I am pleased to advise the Assembly that the June interim outcome headline net operating balance for the general government sector shows the territory budget in balance, with a very modest deficit now of just $10.6 million. This result is a $63.3 million improvement on the estimated deficit at the time of the 2017-18 budget, which was $73.9 million. This improvement in the territory’s finances reflects higher than expected revenue as well as lower than forecast expenditure.

I can also advise the Assembly that net debt in the general government sector as at 30 June 2017 was $1,452.9 million, which was a decrease in net debt of $193.6 million from the period 12 months ago, to 30 June 2016, when it was $1,646.5 million. Net financial liabilities also decreased compared to the 30 June 2016 outcome, by $2,730.3 million. It is a very encouraging result for the 2016-17 financial

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