Page 2546 - Week 07 - Thursday, 3 August 2017

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(e) As uniforms are issued on a wear and tear basis, it is difficult to forecast the type and number of uniforms expected to be replaced in 2016-17 and 2017-18.

(3) The current uniform items issued to ACTION staff, either as standard issue or as an option, are:


6 shirts, combination of long and short sleeve (7 for Transport Officers).


4 trouser/Shorts/skirt, combination.


1 belt.


1 bomber jacket or hi visibility jacket.


2 knitwear, pullover, vest or cardigan.


1 hat Akubra.


1 baseball cap.


1 tie (2 ties for Transport Officers).


1 sunglasses.


10 pairs of socks.


1 pair of gloves (Transport Officers only).


1 wind stopper Jacket (Transport Officers only).


1 wet weather jacket (Transport Officers only).

(4) A range of promotional materials have been and will be produced to assist communication and education of the community in regards to Transport Canberra services – e.g. timetable books, maps, signage, flyers, digital etc. as well as marketing collateral to support the introduction of new and changing services. These will be funded from the Transport Canberra and City Services Operating budget.

Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate—consultants
(Question No 189)

Mr Coe asked the Minister for Transport and City Services, upon notice, on 12 May 2017:

(1) Can the Minister provide the total amount spent on disbursements, including, but not limited to, accommodation, transport costs and meals, for consultants engaged by Capital Metro or by the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate for the Light Rail project (Light Rail project consultants) in the financial years (a) 2014-15, (b) 2015-16 and (c) 2016-17 to date.

(2) Can the Minister provide the total amount spent on accommodation costs for Light Rail project consultants in the financial years (a) 2014-15, (b) 2015-16 and (c) 2016-17 to date.

(3) On how many occasions were accommodation costs paid to Light Rail project consultants above the reasonable expenses amount of $160 per night in the financial years (a) 2014-15, (b) 2015-16 and (c) 2016-17 to date.

(4) What evidence is required to demonstrate that there are exceptional circumstances which require accommodation costs to be paid above the reasonable expenses amount of $160 per night.

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