Page 2464 - Week 07 - Thursday, 3 August 2017

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(2) the report of the Independent Legal Arbiter appointed in relation to the call for the release of certain agenda papers for the Public Housing Renewal Steering Committee be authorised for publication.

This is really a procedural matter. There have been two independent arbiters’ legal advices. Their reports were provided to members outside the sitting period and this motion just allows for them to be authorised for publication.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Administration and Procedure—Standing Committee

Report 4

Debate resumed from 8 June 2017, on motion by Mr Wall:

That the report be adopted.

And on the amendment moved by Ms Cheyne:

After the word “adopted”, add “with the following amendments to the proposed Code of Conduct detailed in recommendation 2:

(1) in paragraph (7), omit ‘, effective and economic’, substitute ‘and efficient’;

(2) omit paragraph (12)(c); and

(3) in paragraph (13), omit ‘materially impede their capacity to perform’, substitute ‘unreasonably impact on’.”.

Amendment agreed to.

Original question, as amended, resolved in the affirmative.

Legislative Assembly—reaffirmation of code of conduct

Debate resumed from 8 June 2017, on motion by Ms Burch:

That we, the Members of the Ninth Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory, having adopted a code of conduct for Members, reaffirm our commitment to the principles, obligations and aspirations of the code,

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Administration and Procedure—Standing Committee

Report 3

Debate resumed from 8 June 2017, on motion by Ms Cheyne:

That the report be adopted.

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