Page 2368 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 2 August 2017

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MS STEPHEN-SMITH: I thank Ms Lee for her supplementary question. The executive director turned up and answered a wide range of detailed questions from journalists which required a level of background detail. I also talked to the media. I was obviously briefed in relation to those matters. I speak with the knowledge that I have from the briefings and the information that is available to me. In making both officials and ministers available to be able to provide answers is actually a sign of the level of transparency that we are committed to in this portfolio.

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre—assault statistics

MR PARTON: Madam Speaker, my question is to the Minister for Disability, Children and Youth. Minister, yesterday in question time you took on notice the question of how many assaults by detainees on other detainees had occurred at Bimberi in 2016-17, saying that you have asked your directorate to prepare a standard report on KPIs for Bimberi. Following yesterday's question time, did you ask your directorate for the number of assaults by detainees on other detainees at Bimberi in 2016-17 and, if so, what is that number?

MS STEPHEN-SMITH: I thank Mr Parton for his question, but actually I did not take that question on notice. In response to that question, I repeated what I had said in my ministerial statement that I have asked the directorate to prepare a report of key indicators for Bimberi that are more extensive than just one or two individual numbers that can be tabled on a regular basis as part of our commitment to the transparent operation of our youth justice system. As I said then and I will say now, when those figures are available for 2016-17 that report will be tabled.

MR PARTON: Minister, why have you not asked for assault data before now; and why is it seemingly so difficult to compile?

MS STEPHEN-SMITH: I reject the premise of the question.

MRS KIKKERT: Minister, why have so many current and former staff risked their livelihoods to blow the whistle on problems at Bimberi?

MS STEPHEN-SMITH: I thank Mrs Kikkert for her supplementary question. I am not in a position to speak to the many reasons that individuals may have for speaking to journalists about any matter.

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre—assaults

MRS JONES: My question is to the Minister for Disability, Children and Youth. Minister, I refer to your report on youth justice tabled yesterday in which you noted that during the 2015-16 period there were eight incidents of detainees assaulting other young people in Bimberi. How many of these assaults were referred to ACT Policing?

MS STEPHEN-SMITH: I thank Mrs Jones for her question. I will seek confirmation, but my understanding is that in each of these cases referral to the AFP is a fairly usual part of the process in relation to these incidents. But I will take on notice whether every one of those incidents was individually referred.

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