Page 2204 - Week 06 - Thursday, 8 June 2017

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Based on these discussions and the advice received as part of the Site Investigation Report, the Taskforce considered that this site remained suitable as an option for the development of replacement public housing. This would provide a range of location choices for public housing tenants with varying needs.

The design and construction process will include a range of measures to ensure the development will meet the required standards for construction in a Bushfire Prone Area. This will be reflected in the final Development Application (DA).

Public housing—Chapman

Ms Berry (in reply to a supplementary question by Mr Parton on Thursday, 11 May 2017):

Support from the Emergency Services Agency (ESA) will depend on the form of construction and external works, and the type of tenant to be accommodated. These matters are currently under discussion with the community and are not yet finalised.

A bushfire analysis has been developed as part of the Site Investigation Report. The design and construction process would include a range of measures to ensure the development would meet the required standards for construction in a Bushfire Prone Area. This will be reflected in a final Development Application (DA). The ESA will have an opportunity to comment on the DA.

ACT Health—data integrity

Ms Fitzharris (in reply to a question and supplementary questions by Mr Doszport and Mrs Dunne on Tuesday, 11 May 2017):

1. No.

2. Clinical records were not in an insecure state.

3. There was no unauthorised or inappropriate access caused by the system being on an unsupported operating system as additional actions were implemented to mitigate any risks.

Canberra Hospital—security system

Ms Fitzharris (in reply to a question and supplementary questions by Ms Lee and Mrs Dunne on Tuesday, 11 May 2017):

1. The security systems were fully restored at approximately 5.00pm, 6 April 2017.

2. No.

3. Not applicable.

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