Page 2125 - Week 06 - Thursday, 8 June 2017
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I am sure there are many local community groups looking forward to the opportunity to raise funds. (Time expired.)
MADAM SPEAKER: It is getting very close to time.
Ms Cheyne: I am in your hands, Madam Speaker.
MADAM SPEAKER: I think, with the will of the Assembly, we may not take that supplementary. I know you are disappointed, Minister. My clock is saying 10 seconds before three. Is that acceptable to you, Leader of the Opposition?
Mr Coe: Yes.
It being 3 pm, questions were interrupted pursuant to the order of the Assembly.
Appropriation Bill 2017-2018
[Cognate bill:
Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2017-2018]
Debate resumed from 6 June 2017, on motion by Mr Barr:
That this bill be agreed to in principle.
MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (3.00): Canberra is the best place in the world, and I have been fortunate to have spent my whole life here. I love our suburbia. I love the access to bushlands and open space and the proximity to local shops, town centres and our lakes. My family, like so many Canberrans, loves living here. There is no better place.
But we must not be complacent. We must be vigilant in making sure that Canberra continues to be the place that we want it to be. We must make sure that our city is affordable and welcoming to all. We must make sure that there are employment opportunities, housing options, choices in education, the best health care, and that Canberra is a safe community. We, as members of the Legislative Assembly, must do all we can to make Canberra the best place it can be.
This week Mr Barr presented his sixth ACT budget. It was not a budget designed in the best interests of all Canberrans. It was not a budget designed for the basic needs and wants of residents across the city. And it certainly was not a budget designed to crack down on the sorts of dealings that have plagued this administration.
The ACT government’s total revenue from all sources in 2017-18 will be $6.2 billion. Total expenditure on operations and non-financial assets will be $6.7 billion. For the first time in ACT history, revenue will exceed $6 billion. Revenue has increased by 58 per cent in the last 10 years.
This is simply not the result of population and economic growth alone but reflects
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