Page 2006 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 7 June 2017

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Mr Coe: Seven times?

MR GENTLEMAN: Yes, I counted them. It is my view that your ruling is consistent, and we stand by that.

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (3.44): Madam Speaker, the Canberra Liberals obviously believe that there is a very clear inconsistency between the ruling that you gave regarding the word “dodgy” and your ruling on the word “grubby”. It is, I think, quite straightforward, especially when you consider the historical context that Mr Hanson gave with regard to the word “grubby”, and especially in the context in which it was given, that your ruling is not only inconsistent with your earlier ruling on “dodgy”, but also inconsistent with past rulings on the word “grubby”. In light of that, the opposition would be more than happy to entertain the notion of your reflecting on these decisions and coming back to the Assembly, perhaps at a later hour today, or tomorrow, with some analysis of the two rulings today, in the context of past decisions.

Question resolved in the negative.

Questions without notice

Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability—estimates availability

MRS DUNNE: Minister, how do you reconcile your failure to appear during published estimates times with your claimed commitment to openness and transparency?

MR RATTENBURY: I think this is a very unfortunate line of questioning, given that I actually went to some lengths many months ago in recognition of the fact that is not an optimal time but one where I had a set of dates on which I sought to be away; I recognised that many months ago and, shortly after the estimates committee was formed, I sought to work with the estimates committee to resolve this matter. I provided them with a number of possible solutions. They chose the one that saw the acting ministers appear on my behalf. I would prefer that this had not been the case. I offered to the estimates committee some dates on which I would appear in person immediately upon my return from being away but the estimates committee has chosen not to take that pathway.

I was not in the estimates committee meeting. I do not know why they chose that path but I reject the line of Mrs Dunne’s questioning that I have not sought to make myself available to the estimates committee.


MR MILLIGAN: My question is to the minister for energy. On Friday 2 June the Canberra Times reported on the increasing number of blackouts in Gungahlin, Jacka, Bonner, Amaroo, Harrison, Mitchell and Forde. Minister, why are residents in Gungahlin having to endure regular and prolonged blackouts, and will residents be compensated?

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