Page 1737 - Week 05 - Thursday, 11 May 2017

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Amendment No 9 agreed to.

Amendment No 10 agreed to.

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (5.23): I move amendment No 21 circulated in my name [see schedule 4 at page 1778]. As per the amendment for the authority, we believe this is a good governance provision.

MR BARR (Kurrajong—Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development and Minister for Tourism and Major Events) (5.23): Quickly, we do not support this as it is unnecessary. It simply states that the authority must comply with the laws of the territory, which it must. So this need not be inserted here.

Amendment negatived.

Clause 38, as amended, agreed to.

Clauses 39 to 41, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Proposed new clauses 41A and 41B.

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (5.24): I move amendment No 22 circulated in my name [see schedule 4 at page 1778]. As per the authority, this is requiring that a quarterly report be submitted to the Assembly.

MR BARR (Kurrajong—Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development and Minister for Tourism and Major Events) (5.24): The government is not supporting this amendment, as the annual report is the appropriate public reporting mechanism. The introduction of this level of reporting would create an unreasonable administrative burden for the authority. I remind everyone again that estimates and annual report hearings obviously provide additional and appropriate scrutiny opportunities.

MADAM DEPUTY SPEAKER: I know I have only been sitting here for an hour, but I am pretty sure I have heard that argument before.

Amendment negatived.

Proposed new clauses 41A and 41B negatived.

MS LE COUTEUR (Murrumbidgee) (5.25), by leave: I move amendments Nos 4 and 5 on the pink paper circulated in my name together [see schedule 5 at page 1790]. No 4 we have already been through. No 5, with the annual reports—sorry, I am just trying to find the right place to read from.

Mr Barr: It is inserting that it must—

MS LE COUTEUR: Yes, that it must. We have put forward an alternative arrangement to Mr Coe’s because there are already requirements under the annual reports act and the Financial Management Act regarding the Suburban Land Agency’s

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