Page 1369 - Week 04 - Thursday, 30 March 2017
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To provide further clarification, “supportive housing” means housing for people in need of support. That provides a range of support services, such as counselling, domestic assistance and personal care for residents. The majority of public housing in the ACT meets this definition of supportive housing.
Administrative arrangements
Statement by Speaker
MADAM SPEAKER: Before I call the Chief Minister, yesterday during question time Mrs Jones asked me to provide to the Assembly a clarification as to whether members are meant to follow the administrative arrangements or the decisions of the Chief Minister in the chamber each question time. The administrative arrangements are, indeed, made by the Chief Minister from time to time. They provide an indication of the policy areas and the acts which the ministers administer on behalf of the territory, and are regularly used to determine where questions without notice and on notice should be directed.
As indicated by the Chief Minister yesterday, who read extensively from the House of Representatives Practice—and I will refer you to Hansard rather than repeat that—it is understood, as evidenced in the House of Representatives Practice, and it is common practice here in the Assembly, that when a minister receives a question which is more properly the responsibility of another minister, the minister refers the question to that responsible minister. Indeed, back in August 2013 the then Speaker, Mrs Dunne, understood that it would be the convention for ministers to refer questions to a more appropriately qualified minister, and that is an arrangement for the ministers themselves. I hope that provides clarity to members.
Mr Barr presented the following papers:
Auditor-General Act, pursuant to subsection 21(1)—Auditor-General’s Report No 9/2016—Commissioner for International Engagement—position creation and appointment process—Government response.
Remuneration Tribunal Act, pursuant to subsection 12(2)—Determinations, together with statements for:
ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal—Amended Determination 11 of 2016, dated March 2017.
ACT Supreme Court Judicial Positions—Determination 1 of 2017, dated March 2017.
Full-time Statutory Office Holders—Determination 4 of 2017, dated March 2017.
Head of Service, Directors-General and Executives—Determination 3 of 2017, dated March 2017.
Members of the ACT Legislative Assembly—Determination 2 of 2017, dated March 2017.
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