Page 1082 - Week 03 - Thursday, 23 March 2017

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(7) Responsibilities of this position included project procurement tasks and subsequent contract management tasks. Accordingly, it would not be appropriate for this role to be the responsibility of Canberra Metro.

Minister for Planning and Land Management—travel costs
(Question No 126)

Ms Lee asked the Minister for Planning and Land Management, upon notice, on 17 February 2017:

(1) Did the Minister lead a delegation in February 2016 to North America with the stated purpose of looking at best practice urban design, transport planning and sustainable development.

(2) Does the Legislative Assembly Travel Report for the period January to June 2016 show the total cost of the trip at $16 697.69; if so, why do recent documents obtained under Freedom of Information reveal a total cost of $70 538. and what is the reason for the variation.

(3) Has the detailed report on key learnings from the trip that you provided to The Canberra Times also been made available to the Assembly; if not, why not and will the Minister provide that report to Assembly Members.

(4) Was a grant of $2 000 offered to non-government delegation attendees.

(5) Was the actual total amount paid per non-government attendee closer to $6 000 per attendee; if so, what was the reason for the increase.

Mr Gentleman: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Yes, I did lead a delegation to cities in the USA and Canada to view best practice urban design, transport planning and sustainable development.

(2) Yes, the Legislative Assembly Travel Report for the period January to June 2016 shows the total cost of the trip as $16,697.69. This amount is for myself and did not include other members of the delegation. The total cost incurred for the ACT Government was $70,538.00.

(3) I tabled a report on the travel in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday 5 May 2016. This report is available at

(4) Yes.

(5) No, the total grant was $6,000.00. Each of the three non-government attendees received $2,000.00.

Crime—female incarceration
(Question No 127)

Mrs Jones asked the Minister for Corrections, upon notice, on 17 February 2017:

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