Page 736 - Week 02 - Thursday, 16 February 2017

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Questions without notice taken on notice

Land Development Agency—Westside village

Mr Gentleman (in reply to a supplementary question by Mr Doszpot on Tuesday, 13 December 2016):

The initial procurement of Westside container village was approved by the Chief Executive Officer of the Land Development Agency (LDA) in May 2014. Following the LDA resuming control over Westside Village in August 2015, the LDA Board approved additional funding to address compliance and safety concerns, and site activation in December 2015 and March 2016.

Electricity supply—Mitchell

Mr Barr (in reply to a supplementary question by Mr Parton on Wednesday, 14 December 2016):

It is important to note the Government does not manage or control ActewAGL. I have, however, sought ActewAGL’s advice concerning this matter and I have been provided with the following information:

An application to increase supply capacity to Block 20, Section 22, Mitchell for the Baldwin Distillery was received on 19 January 2016. Based on the existing building’s architecture, the electrical contractor acting on behalf of Baldwin Distillery requested a second network connection point for the block, which is contrary to standard practice. The request was denied by ActewAGL on safety grounds, partly because of the isolation of the site and due to concerns for the safety of crews such as the fire brigade in the event of an emergency.

On 30 May 2016, ActewAGL proposed two alternative solutions and requested advice about the customer’s preferred option. The project was then placed on hold awaiting a response.

ActewAGL subsequently spoke with Mr Baldwin on 10 November 2016 who agreed to provide advice about his preferred option by email.

On 25 November 2016, documentation was emailed to Mr Baldwin including a request to sign off on the project and return additional application to enable the project to proceed.

At the time of the Member’s question, ActewAGL had not received any further response from Mr Baldwin.

I understand Mr Baldwin subsequently provided verbal advice to ActewAGL regarding his preferred option.

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