Page 570 - Week 02 - Thursday, 16 February 2017

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As with all integrity measures introduced by this government, vigilance and continuous improvement are vital as we strive to consistently deliver open and accountable government to the people of the ACT.

This inquiry meets the previous Assembly’s commitment to periodic review of integrity mechanisms. It represents an opportunity to streamline the standards commissioner referrals process and to review possible interactions with the role of the Ethics and Integrity Adviser and also the future integrity commission.

We are therefore seeking to review the nature and scope of the functions of the standards commissioner, along with reporting and referral requirements, to ensure that MLAs fulfil their duties and responsibilities in accordance with established conduct, requirements and community expectations.

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (10.46): The Canberra Liberals will support this reference. I do note from the words of the Manager for Government Business that what he envisages is slightly more, and probably a better review, than that which is reflected in the motion itself. It seems to be about the referral process itself.

I think that there are other aspects of the way that Commissioner for Standards process works. I do not want to reflect on the conduct of the commissioner himself. He has done an exemplary job. But I think we should look at the whole process of the commissioner himself. He has in various reports intimated that he would be interested in being involved in that process.

I think what we should be looking at is something slightly wider than the mere words that are on paper in this motion. I think that perhaps the words spoken by the Manager of Government Business in his remarks are a better reflection of what is needed than the motion itself. That having been said, and understanding that the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure will have a sort of wider remit than the narrow words here, the opposition supports this reference.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Executive business—precedence

Ordered that executive business be called on.

Climate change mitigation

MR RATTENBURY (Kurrajong—Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Minister for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Road Safety, Minister for Corrections and Minister for Mental Health) (10.48): I move:

That this Assembly:

(1) notes:

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