Page 343 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 14 February 2017

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culture and their contribution to Australian society. I look forward to providing the Assembly with further updates as our community continues its journey towards reconciliation and working together to improve equitable outcomes for all its citizens.

I present the following paper:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs—Ministerial statement, 14 February 2017.

I move:

That the Assembly take note of the paper.

MR MILLIGAN (Yerrabi) (10.51): I will just briefly speak in response to the minister’s statement. I welcome the minister’s words in recognition of this important year, the 50th anniversary of the national referendum which removed an area of discrimination from the Australian constitution and allowed Aboriginal Australians to be counted in the census, recognising them as citizens of this great country of ours. This continued the movement begun by the Menzies government which amended the commonwealth act to give Indigenous Australians the vote in federal elections in 1962. It was a momentous time in our nation’s history, one that lives on in the country today as our governments work together to close the gap in Indigenous disadvantage.

We look forward, with members opposite, to the day when our Indigenous peoples will truly be equal with their non-Indigenous counterparts in education, health and economic outcomes.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (No 2)

Debate resumed from 15 December 2016, on motion by Mr Barr:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (10.52): I rise to make a brief statement in support of the Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (No 2). At present, stamp duty is due at the exchange of contracts and must be completed prior to the settlement. As anybody who has bought property would know, proof of payment in the form of stamp duty is a necessary prerequisite for settlement to occur.

In contrast, the new model proposed in the legislation we are debating today shifts the payment due date until after settlement occurs. This change will make the process much smoother and remove the need for a paper trail proving that the relevant duty has been paid prior to settlement taking place. As such, the changes present opportunities to do far more online than has happened in the past.

It will also mean that in the event that settlement does not eventuate, the refunding process will not be required as payment would not have been made prior to settlement.

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