Page 57 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 13 December 2016

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MS FITZHARRIS: I thank Mr Doszpot for his question. Certainly from the government’s point of view, safety of staff and patients is of the utmost priority. We certainly know that that Canberra Times article was based on a discussion with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Foundation. My office has had discussions with them. I have had discussions with them, and I will continue to do so.

The Labor government made a number of commitments throughout the election campaign to continue to support our nursing workforce. That was to increase nursing positions throughout our health system, whether it is at the hospital, in community-based settings or in our walk-in centres. We are determined to deliver on that commitment. We also made commitments to improve access to training and development, for example, to establish a new nurse practitioner course at the University of Canberra.

We also, throughout the parliamentary agreement process, have committed to a nurse safety strategy. That strategy will certainly include the safety of nursing staff in the hospital and in other settings across the ACT health system. That will be a priority for me in 2017. Certainly I would encourage, as I did at the time that article appeared—

Mr Coe: On a point of order, Madam Speaker, on relevance, the specific question was:

What is the relationship between staff shortages at the Canberra Hospital and workplace fatigue and dangers to patient care?

It is not a question about Labor policies. It is particularly about, in effect, whether there is any empirical evidence or literature which suggests that those issues are linked.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you Mr Coe. May I remind the minister of standing order 118 about being concise. But I do understand that you were talking about broader safety and nursing development, which will cover the point of safety, I believe.

MS FITZHARRIS: Thank you Madam Speaker. There are no staff shortages and there is no connection with staff safety. As I have said, it is a priority for me to undertake the nurse safety strategy.

MR DOSZPOT: Minister, how common is it for nurses at the Canberra Hospital to work double shifts due to staff shortages?

Ms Fitzharris: Sorry, I missed the first part of the question, Mr Doszpot.

MR DOSZPOT: Minister, how common is it for nurses at the Canberra Hospital to work double shifts due to staff shortages?

MS FITZHARRIS: Thank you, Mr Doszpot. I am advised that it is not common. What we do know is that Canberra Hospital has seasonal fluctuations, particularly in

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