Page 47 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 13 December 2016

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Mr Hanson interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, can you—

Mr Hanson interjecting—

MR BARR: It is good to see—

Mr Hanson interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, I have asked you to refrain from interjecting.

MR BARR: It is good to see there is some fight left in you, Mr Hanson. I must say that I am already missing you sitting opposite me but long may you continue to be the chief interjector on behalf of the Canberra Liberals. It is a tradition you have formed in this place and we certainly look forward to your continuing it.

But we will remain focused on delivering for this community nation-leading tax reform, support for our exporters and a continuation of active government involvement in the economic diversification of the Australian Capital Territory. It is important work. It is already bearing fruit. We look forward to continuing that over the next four years.

Greyhound racing—regulation

MR PARTON: Madam Speaker, my question is to the Chief Minister representing the Minister for Regulatory Services with regard to gaming and racing. Minister, what concerns do you have with the greyhound racing industry in the ACT?

MR BARR: I thank Mr Parton for the question and doing me the honour of directing his first question in this place to me. There were a range of concerns that were outlined both in terms of the report that the New South Wales government received as a result of their special commission of inquiry, but it would be fair to observe that before the New South Wales report was issued concerns were being raised not just here in the ACT but right across the nation. I think the Four Corners documentary on practices within that industry was pretty damning, and there has been—

Mrs Jones: On a point of order, Madam Speaker, the question was about the precise concerns with the ACT industry. The Chief Minister is referring to New South Wales and to broader concerns on national programs several years ago. The question is about what, in the ACT, is happening and can he answer that.

MADAM SPEAKER: I understand where you are going, Mrs Jones, and I think the Chief Minister was referring to concerns in the ACT and more broadly. So there is no point of order. Can you continue, minister.

MR BARR: Thank you, Madam Speaker. I think the interjection highlights a major issue of concern in relation to the understanding on these questions, and that is that

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