Page 2627 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 10 August 2016

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MS LAWDER: Minister, why did the government not follow previous advice that major upgrades to existing infrastructure were needed at the Canberra Hospital?

MR CORBELL: The government has commissioned a series of reports into these matters. The most recent advice to government, which was provided last year, confirmed that bed utilisation would give us the capacity we need to meet growth over the next five to 10 years. I have spelt those figures out very clearly in a number of answers today. The equivalent of 50 extra beds can be delivered through better bed utilisation. In comparison, the Liberals’ plan is $400 million in new expenditure and you only get 30 extra beds.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Hanson.

MR HANSON: Minister, when you said in 2007 that the ACT jail would have capacity for 25 years with its current bed configuration, was that actually true?

MR CORBELL: I am not the Minister for Corrections.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Ms Burch.

MS BURCH: Minister, can you explain the benefits of the current approach to the health system for the Canberra community?

MR CORBELL: I thank Ms Burch for the supplementary. The Liberals have been caught out well and truly on this issue. Not only can they not explain the enormous deficit that they are creating around this project—the $600 million worth of expenditure that they cannot pay for from light rail—but they also cannot explain why spending $400 million for just 30 extra beds is a better plan than achieving better efficiencies in the public hospital system and delivering 50 extra beds.

University of Canberra—procurement process

MR DOSZPOT: My question is to the minister for higher education. Minister, what safeguards are in place in the University of Canberra procurement system to guard against conflict of interest?

MS FITZHARRIS: I believe that is a question for the University of Canberra.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Doszpot.

MR DOSZPOT: Minister, have any contracts been awarded by the University of Canberra to Montage Services or Dowse Projects without a competitive process in the past 10 years? As minister for higher education we are asking you this.

MS FITZHARRIS: I refer to my previous answer. Again that is a question for the University of Canberra.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Wall, a supplementary question.

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