Page 2610 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 10 August 2016

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The Assembly voted—

Ayes 8

Noes 7

Mr Barr

Ms Fitzharris

Mr Coe

Mrs Jones

Ms Berry

Mr Gentleman

Mr Doszpot

Ms Lawder

Ms Burch

Mr Hinder

Mrs Dunne

Mr Wall

Mr Corbell

Mr Rattenbury

Mr Hanson

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

Question put:

That the motion, as amended, be agreed to.

Ayes 8

Noes 7

Mr Barr

Ms Fitzharris

Mr Coe

Mrs Jones

Ms Berry

Mr Gentleman

Mr Doszpot

Ms Lawder

Ms Burch

Mr Hinder

Mrs Dunne

Mr Wall

Mr Corbell

Mr Rattenbury

Mr Hanson

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

Motion, as amended, agreed to.

Emergency Services Agency

MRS JONES (Molonglo) (12.04): I move:

That this Assembly:

(1) notes:

(a) the importance of the emergency services to the ACT;

(b) importance of the reliability of the 000 call centre and the importance of public confidence in the service;

(c) the importance of staff morale in these life-saving fields;

(d) the importance of local knowledge in bushfire preparedness and capability planning; and

(e) the importance of the Government having the confidence of employees in this vital service; and

(2) calls on the ACT Government to:

(a) create a culture of confidence in the Emergency Services Agency (ESA);

(b) take action to ensure ESA employees know they are equipped to undertake their role; and

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