Page 2577 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 10 August 2016

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MADAM SPEAKER: Has the amendment been circulated?


MADAM SPEAKER: You cannot move an amendment until the amendment has been circulated.

MS FITZHARRIS: Then I circulate the amendment in my name.

MADAM SPEAKER: Can you speak and then move the amendment later in your speech when it has been circulated

MS FITZHARRIS: Certainly. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

It is terrific to have another opportunity to talk today about how this government is integrating our transport network, investing in health and education and local services, and improving public transport across our city, no matter where you live.

Canberrans need, and indeed can have, an integrated public transport network. They can also have better hospitals, great schools and fantastic local services—all at the same time. This is possible, and under this government it is a reality. It is what the ACT government is delivering. It is not a question of “instead” or “one or the other”; it is a statement of “and”.

I say that because this Labor government is delivering exactly that. We are delivering an integrated transport system comprising light rail, buses and active travel options like walking and cycling. And we are investing more in health and education at the same time. Indeed, we are making record investments in health, education, and all the local services our city needs.

And while we do this, we have a clear path back to surplus.

Mr Hanson’s motion today baffles me, but it does scare me as well. It exposes the reckless approach of those opposite to our budget, the ACT economy and our reputation as a sound place to do business and it exposes their inability to generally understand how public finances work.

His speech today was mostly littered with criticism of light rail—again like most of the Canberra Liberals’ speeches are. They harp on about the cost of the light rail contract, for example. They claim we are spending some large amount of money on light rail as if it is a river of gold that they can repurpose over and over again. This claim is so incredibly misleading that even they seem to be unsure about it.

I note that their ridiculous light rail Canberra website states that the cost of light rail is $707 million—not the $1.7 billion figure they now try to mislead the community about. But why would they try to be consistent, Madam Speaker? In reality, the light rail contract represents less than one per cent—

Mrs Jones interjecting—

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