Page 2563 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 9 August 2016

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deliver the best outcomes for our city and our community. In 2016-17 the master planning for our town and group centres will continue. Master plans in Kippax, Curtin, Belconnen and Calwell are almost finalised and have involved considerable consultation with the community and stakeholders.

Madam Assistant Speaker, as you know, master plans are an important element in protecting the elements of centres which the community cherish while allowing a clear vision for the future and the ongoing vibrancy of these important community assets. Past plans have been well received by the community and continue to be implemented through changes to the territory plan and development of capital infrastructure such as bike paths through the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate.

The government continuously seeks to ensure the building industry and the associated regulatory systems are operating effectively. The government’s priority is to establish clear obligations and expectations for building practitioners and to build capacity in industry and within the regulatory system. The recent changes which have been passed will help reduce phoenixing and improve the Construction Occupations Registrar’s ability to investigate and act on complaints and breaches of construction. This is just the start. We will continue work to reform the regulatory environment to protect customers as well as the vast majority in the construction industry who continue to deliver high quality projects.

Mr Coe talked about the territory plan. As custodians of the territory plan the ACT government will continue through 2016-17 to ensure that the plan continues to capture the visions for Canberra and encourages high quality planning outcomes.

A few of the territory plan variations include DV328, which incorporates the recommendations of the approved Oaks Estate master plan; DV329, which incorporates the recommendations of the approved Weston group centre master plan and proposes to amend the territory plan map and Weston precinct map and code. DV339 Kaleen proposes to rezone a site from the community facility zone, CFZ, to the RZ5 high-density residential zone and to insert provisions into the Kaleen precinct map and code to stipulate building heights across the site. DV349 is to implement the conditions of the EPBC approval for the development of the University of Canberra public hospital in Bruce and to incorporate offset sites in Watson into Canberra’s nature reserve system.

Following feedback from stakeholders, careful consideration has been given to ensuring that the residential solar access provisions in the territory plan continue to protect the solar access and solar amenity of residential blocks, facilitate passive solar design and active solar technology and contribute to energy efficiency. The draft territory plan variation will allow more effective positioning of buildings on the block, enabling dwellings to take better advantage of solar access; increase opportunities for north-facing private open spaces; reduce less desirable open space to the south of dwellings; improve solar access to internal living areas; and reduce the need for excavation and earthworks. Once again this highlights this government’s responsiveness to address community and industry concerns and develop solutions which benefit all.

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