Page 2430 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 9 August 2016

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The budget’s fiscal position continues to improve and I will have more good news on that later in the week. In this budget the ACT government is supporting the economy in the short term and continuing to deliver appropriate services to the community while building a strong operating balance over the medium term.

The government has taken a specific course of action to support the economy. We have held out a helping hand to the community. We have invested in even better suburbs, even better parks, even better roads and much improved transport for Canberrans. We have invested in the infrastructure and long-term projects that our city needs. So this is indeed a budget for an even better Canberra.

The estimates committee report presents 144 recommendations that cover a broad range of matters. It is not my intention to go through each of the committee’s recommendations individually in the Assembly this morning—the government’s response serves that purpose—but overall the government has agreed to or noted the majority of recommendations included in the committee’s report. Specifically, we have agreed to 58 recommendations, agreed in principle to 27, agreed in part to three, noted 49 and not agreed to just seven of the recommendations.

In instances where recommendations were not agreed, the government has considered the matters being raised and has not supported these recommendations on the basis that the additional information sought or the release of particular information could be considered premature and/or the benefits of doing so are limited or the government does not consider that the recommendation aligns with current legislative practice or, indeed, our existing policy intent. A response has been provided to each individual recommendation.

In closing, I do not consider the report of the estimates committee and its recommendations raise any issues that would prevent the passage of the appropriation bill or the Office of Legislative Assembly appropriation bill. On behalf of the government, I thank the committee for its consideration of the bills and its report and I commend the government response and an outstanding budget to the Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Mr Wall) adjourned to the next sitting.

Election Commitments Costing Amendment Bill 2016

Mr Barr, by leave, presented the bill, its explanatory statement, a Human Rights Act compatibility statement and Guidelines for costing election commitments 2016.

Title read by Clerk.

MR BARR (Molonglo—Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Tourism and Events and Minister for Urban Renewal) (10.30): I move:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

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