Page 1767 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 7 June 2016

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We are helping parents engage with schools, providing more support and training for teachers and more school psychologists, and upgrading sensory spaces. We are building new world-class schools in our suburban growth areas. We are investing in our teachers. Most importantly, we are providing the support that disadvantaged students need.

We are ensuring that a quality education is for everyone, not just for those whose parents can afford it.

By giving the gift of learning our teachers are transforming young lives and giving kids the values and skills that they need and that our community needs.

The success of our economy and workforce depends on world-class vocational and higher education.

That’s why we support the rapid growth of our higher education sector, why we have empowered the University of Canberra to grow and compete on the world stage, and why we are investing in modernising the Canberra Institute of Technology’s facilities and courses.

Enhancing liveability and social inclusion for Canberra

Everyone has the right to feel safe in their home. Family violence is unacceptable. It is not a police problem or a government problem or a poor people’s problem or a Canberra problem. It is everyone’s problem.

Family violence does not discriminate; it is a national issue that touches the lives of Australians everywhere. In Canberra we’ve seen our share of tragedy. All of us need to stand up and say enough is enough. There is no place for family violence in our community.

In this budget we make a stand, we make a stand together. This budget makes an unprecedented $21.4 million investment in keeping Canberra families safe.

Recent reports commissioned by the Territory Government, together with the Victorian Royal Commission, make it clear that we need to take more action and we need new sources of revenue to fund it.

In this budget we take decisive steps to address coordination and communication issues to help our hardworking staff on the front line to identify and prevent family violence. We will make the changes we need in the criminal justice system so that it is easier for victims to navigate and easier to take strong action against perpetrators.

To prevent these crimes before they happen, we’ll make it easier for victims of violence to find safety and we’ll invest in counselling, treatment and education to stop Canberrans turning to violence.

Similarly, my Government is committed to ending the disadvantage faced by many in our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

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