Page 1409 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 3 May 2016

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MRS JONES: Minister, why did it take you over a year to announce that you were seeking a mandate? Did you actively consider committing to the Russell extension before the election?

MR CORBELL: I think those opposite need a little history lesson. The government is not seeking a mandate for the Russell extension. The government will be proceeding to this election as we proceeded to the last election, which is with a proposal for stage 2 of light rail in Canberra. That will be for a project that the government determines as a result of the light rail network master planning work that my colleague Mr Gentleman is undertaking.

We will do exactly what we did at the last election. At the last election we went to the people of Canberra and we said, “We are committing to the development of stage one of light rail in Canberra from Gungahlin to the city, with construction to commence in 2016.” That was what we said at the last election, and we will adopt exactly the same approach at the next election.

Mr Wall interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Corbell, sit down. Mr Wall, withdraw.

Mr Wall: I withdraw.

MADAM SPEAKER: Have you finished, Mr Corbell?

MR CORBELL: I have concluded my answer, Madam Speaker.

Roads—Majura Parkway

MS BURCH: My question is to the Minister for Transport and Municipal Services. Minister, last week the ACT and federal governments officially opened the Majura Parkway. Can you describe the benefits for the Canberra community that will come with the completion of this major work?

MS FITZHARRIS: Thank you, Madam Speaker, and I thank Ms Burch for the question.

Mr Coe interjecting

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, Mr Coe! I want to be able to hear Ms Fitzharris.

MS FITZHARRIS: It certainly was wonderful to celebrate the official opening of the Majura Parkway, a great Labor infrastructure project that was made possible because federal and ACT Labor made a commitment to improve our city’s major transport and freight route.

While the Majura Parkway has been gradually opened in stages for use by the public since May 2015, the completion of the project and the final opening on 22 April 2016

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