Page 1299 - Week 04 - Thursday, 7 April 2016
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recommended further works be undertaken in relation to the former refuse disposal site on block 789. Given the use of the site to dispose of waste from the original Mr Fluffy remediation program, this study was commissioned by the asbestos response task force. It is important to keep in mind that the Nudurr Drive road reserve skirts the edge of the former waste disposal site and the majority of it will not be affected by future road construction works. It is also important to note block 789 and surrounding grasslands provide important native habitat and are preserved from future development for that purpose.
Importantly, the study concludes that there is no loose-fill asbestos insulation contamination at the site and the area being proposed for the Nudurr Drive extension, close to existing houses in Palmerston, is suitable for road construction works.
The report concludes that the former landfill site is unlikely to present a significant risk to adjacent residents. The report recommends some further work for the ongoing and continued safe management of the site. Territory and Municipal Services, as the territory’s land custodian and manager, is currently working to address these recommendations as part of its ongoing and future management responsibilities.
The public will be informed when the works on block 789 are to be undertaken. Much like the communication process that occurred previously with the study, this will include letterbox drops to the residents adjacent to where the works will occur, presentations to the local community council and information on the TAMS website. For the benefit of the Assembly I have tabled the detailed site investigation report.
Canberra Institute of Technology—Australian Skills Quality Authority audit report
Paper and statement by minister
MS FITZHARRIS (Molonglo—Minister for Higher Education, Training and Research, Minister for Transport and Municipal Services and Assistant Minister for Health): For the information of members, I present the following paper:
Education, Training and Youth Affairs—Standing Committee—Report 5—Inquiry into Vocational Education and Youth Training in the ACT—Interim Report—Recommendation 4—Canberra Institute of Technology—Explanation of Australian Skills Quality Authority audit report.
I ask leave to make a statement.
Leave granted.
MS FITZHARRIS: Today I am providing an update on the Canberra Institute of Technology’s—CIT—continued work with apprentices. As part of this update I will be tabling a report undertaken by the Australian Skills Quality Authority, or ASQA, about the certificate III in electrotechnology electrical skills at CIT. Recommendation 4 of the interim report of the Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs inquiry into vocational education and youth training in the ACT recommended the minister table the ASQA report of the audit of the certificate III in electrotechnology electrician at CIT, which I am pleased to do today.
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