Page 912 - Week 03 - Thursday, 10 March 2016

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process for the finalisation of Icon Water’s debt strategy. It is important that we know. Icon are an important asset of the territory. They are in negotiations with ActewAGL and it is important that the Assembly is kept in the loop.

There are some recommendations about the ICRC and various tariffs. The other thing in the main that the committee looked at and wanted to report on was the outsourcing of the preparation of the ACT greenhouse gas inventory reports and how that would actually work and how it will be undertaken by what is called an “independent entity”.

These are important issues. Again, I thank members for their efforts. I mention in particular the return of the substantive secretary, Dr Cullen, and the work of Kate Harkins, the assistant secretary, while Dr Cullen was overseas. I commend the report to the Assembly.

I move:

That the report be noted.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

ACT Ambulance Service

Ministerial statement

MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Deputy Chief Minister, Attorney-General, Minister for Capital Metro, Minister for Health, Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Minister for the Environment and Climate Change) (10.12): I would like to report to the Assembly on progress to date with the ACT Ambulance Service—ACTAS—blueprint for change in line with the Assembly resolution of 18 March 2015. As members would already be aware, my predecessor Ms Burch launched the blueprint for change in March 2015. The blueprint provides the framework for ACTAS to address workforce concerns around trust, conflict resolution and leadership. Its broad objective is to support and foster a culture of professionalism throughout the ACTAS workforce.

The blueprint for change is a key strategy supporting the ESA Strategic Reform Agenda, or SRA. It continues to be the my expectation and that of the government that we deliver on the blueprint for change under the SRA and implement all of its recommendations in a timely and consultative manner.

As this is my first report to the Assembly on the blueprint for change, I want to state my firm commitment to reform in ACTAS. As members would know, cultural and organisational change is challenging and takes time. Today, I am pleased to report that ACTAS has made positive progress. The initiatives being pursued have arisen from an extensive and unprecedented level of staff consultation. Five facilitated workshops were held last year with over a hundred staff members voluntarily attending. The ideas generated from these frank discussions lay the foundation for moving forward. Four project working groups have been formed to develop these ideas. Over 40 staff members have volunteered to work on these groups to progress change. They are, I am assured, Madam Speaker, the ideas generators that are setting the future direction of the service.

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