Page 850 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 9 March 2016

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commercial quantities and so on in our drug schedules. Those are based on an evidence-based approach that looks at what is happening on the street in terms of how much people are possessing for personal use, how much they are possessing of certain types of drugs for trafficking, and making sure that penalties align so that people who are trafficking are not simply getting away with possession-level offences; equally, that people who are possessing only for personal use are not being charged with trafficking offences. These are the types of evidence-based reforms that the government will continue to adopt.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Wall.

MR WALL: Attorney, do you support, or does the government support, the publishing of the composition of illegal drugs?

MADAM SPEAKER: Sorry, I misheard—

MR WALL: Publishing the composition of illegal drugs.

MR CORBELL: Mr Wall would have to give more information as to whom and when and how for me to answer that question.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Wall.

MR WALL: Attorney, how do you reconcile your government’s position on drugs given that the justice minister and his party clearly have a different opinion and he is a member of cabinet?

MR CORBELL: This simply points to the inadequacy of those opposite to be able to comprehend the idea of a coalition or series of parties that work together. Parties that work in coalition can have different policies. Those opposite should reflect on the fact that their party and another party have operated in that context for many years. Let us be very clear about—

Opposition members interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mr Hanson and Mr Coe!

MR CORBELL: At the end of the day, parties can have different views, but there is one government policy. The government and I have made it clear to members opposite what that policy is.

Westside village—costs

MR COE: Madam Speaker, my question is to the Chief Minister. The Canberra Times reported on 7 March that the government will apply for a two-year extension to the container village at West Basin. The article also stated that traders at the container village have not been paying rent for six months and are struggling financially. Minister, why were the traders not required to pay rent for six months, and why are they struggling financially?

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