Page 381 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 16 February 2016

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Construction is currently underway at Cook, Rivett and the Kambah shops at Mannheim Street. These upgrades focus on a range of improvements, from improving pedestrian access, modernising public spaces, providing more seating and shade, parking for people with disabilities, and expanding the options for outdoor dining. Upgrades will also soon begin at Florey, Evatt, Torrens and Hughes local centres.

In addition, the government is currently delivering a number of projects that will implement the first stages of master plan visions for Erindale, Weston, Kambah and Tuggeranong group centres. I am looking forward to the works getting underway along Gartside Street south in Erindale, Brierly Street and Trenerry Square in Weston and Anketell Street north in Tuggeranong. The improvements will focus on resolving parking and traffic issues, improving pedestrian access and creating and modernising the street character to encourage economic activity and active lifestyles.

Consultation has been underway with local communities and traders across these shopping centres. As minister, I am keen to explore how we could further collaborate with local business owners, with the possibility of co-funding improvements for shopping centre investment to get even more bang for our buck. I look forward to working with Dr Bourke, the minister for small business, on such initiatives.

The ACT government is also committed to providing our suburbs with the latest infrastructure to encourage outdoor activity, support healthier lifestyles and encourage social connections. Like shopping centres, playgrounds hold a special place in the heart of many Canberrans. Our playgrounds are vibrant hubs for families, playgroups, birthday parties for young and old, multicultural gatherings, and fitness activities like boot camps and park runs. The community parks at Crace and Franklin are outstanding examples of modern facilities that cater for the changing needs of our community. Likewise, new natural playgrounds are being considered that enable kids to play in a different way.

Fitness equipment at our local parks is also very popular. I was pleased to announce the location of the fitness equipment at Yerrabi Pond district park in Gungahlin recently and look forward to announcing equipment for Eddison park in Woden very soon. Last week I was pleased to announce the tender for new equipment for the popular Point Hut playground in Tuggeranong. These investments across our city show our commitment to investing in community infrastructure in our suburbs. As with our local shops, as minister I will be keen to hear from the community about innovative ways we can collaborate with local communities and businesses to further improve our playgrounds.

The quality of Canberra’s urban environment is intrinsically linked to our excellent health outcomes. We are vigilant about maintaining our clear air, clean drinking water, access to healthy and safe food, open spaces and parkland for recreation, and access to opportunities for healthy, active lifestyles.

To build on our healthy environment, the ACT has a strong record in taking a proactive approach to health promotion, health protection and disease prevention activities. We lead Australia in several areas in relation to the general health of the ACT population.

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