Page 321 - Week 01 - Thursday, 11 February 2016

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6. Decisions within the schools concerning mentors and mentees are made by the school leadership team in consultation with staff in planning the school’s Annual Professional Learning Program. In addition to the New Educator Support Plans negotiated by teachers and their supervisors, coaching and mentoring programs involving teachers with the full range of experience are designed and implemented throughout the school year under the Professional Learning Communities component of the Annual Professional Learning Program in both primary and secondary schools.

7. Mentoring programs are designed, implemented and evaluated at the school, based on the individual professional development needs of teachers and the qualities and skills of mentors. Schools are supported by national frameworks and professional growth tools associated with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, the Quality Teaching model and professional learning opportunities for principals, school leaders and teachers undertaking the mentoring role.

Teachers—specialist positions
(Question No 572)

Mr Doszpot asked the Minister for Education and Training, upon notice, on 19 November 2015 (redirected to the Acting Minister for Education and Training):

(1) What are the current qualifications required for specialist teacher positions in ACT public schools for (a) librarians, (b) EALD and (c) languages.

(2) What shortages currently exist for teaching languages in ACT (a) primary schools, (b) high schools and (c) colleges.

(3) What languages currently have a shortage of teachers and what is being done to address that shortage.

(4) Is any primary school, high school or college currently offering languages for which there are not sufficient qualified teachers.

(5) In the event a school cannot attract a suitably qualified teacher for any subject, is that subject removed from the school offering; if not, how is that managed.

(6) In what subjects are there shortages of suitably qualified teachers.

(7) What assessment is done to ensure future needs in specialist subjects can be met.

Mr Gentleman: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

1. All teachers are required to meet the general qualification standard for professional registration through the Teacher Quality Institute. This is completion of four years of full time higher education study, including at least one year of an accredited teacher education program, leading to the award of a school teacher qualification recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Principals, as workforce managers at their site, determine the specific subject allocation of individual teachers and in so doing they take into account areas of expertise

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