Page 187 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016

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As reported in the Canberra Times over the weekend, there have apparently been investigations regarding the smell being sewerage. It definitely is not sewerage and is the same smell as last year, quite different to a sewerage smell. We are adamant the smell is coming from the tip. We continue to keep a diary of when we notice it, although we are away from home a lot. One of our adult children did tell us they smelled it terribly on Saturday morning at around 8 am. We have had incidences in the past when we have not been able to go outside, which was around the last time the issue was looked at several months ago.

The smell from the tip is back tonight. Anything you can do to assist with this ongoing issue is much-appreciated. The map is a great idea. Thank you for your support.

This morning at 7.30 am the smell is dreadful. I doubt if anyone else will report it. Most of my neighbours are away on holidays.

It is very bad this evening. The guests we had for dinner said they did not want to say anything, but it was very noticeable. Quite embarrassing.

My experience last year was that it is very difficult to find the correct person to complain to, and they all acted very surprised and as if I was the only complainant. We suffered without answers last summer, and it appears we will be subjected to the similar again this year, until you intervened. We have noticed a significant odour both this morning and yesterday morning. It seems to be more prevalent when we have a north-east prevailing breeze. I have been taking green rubbish to the Mugga Lane tip and experienced the same odour while there, so I wonder if the odour is coming from the tip. Thank you for your help.

We are aware of sporadic ongoing issues with the smell from the tip, especially after rain or with particular wind directions. We hoped we were having some progress, so it is disappointing to hear that little has been able to be achieved at this point.

I can report an odour I noticed when I returned home today. It was a sour, acidic odour not unlike vomit. It was quite strong at 4 pm. I could not say what time it started, but it seemed to reduce significantly by 5 pm.

Just letting you know the stench is present this morning, moderately strong but nauseating enough. Definitely a tip smell, not sewerage.

Early this morning the odour in Fadden area was overwhelming. A light north-east breeze was blowing. Please continue to raise this issue with the authorities responsible.

Et cetera; so this is not a one-off issue. It is not a sewerage issue, as originally the government tried to point to. Icon Water sent out a truck to investigate the initial complaints from Nicklin Place in Fadden Hills and quite quickly determined that it was not a sewerage smell. The government could just come clean and say exactly where they believe the smell is coming from. The residents of Tuggeranong do not want much. They just want an answer to their question. They want to know what, if anything, the EPA has found from its investigation into the smell.

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