Page 4251 - Week 13 - Thursday, 19 November 2015

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MS LAWDER: Minister, is the ACT government or the board of Icon Water considering the sale of their share of ActewAGL?

MR BARR: No, Madam Speaker.

IGA East Row House—funding

MR WALL: My question is to the Chief Minister. IGA East Row House has been established to assist people who must travel to Canberra for medical care. The charity has already raised considerable support and profile from the business community but it is yet to receive land on which to construct a building, despite your commitment to do so. Chief Minister, when will the government be providing a block of land for the IGA East Row House project?

MR BARR: Once the due consideration process has concluded.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Wall.

MR WALL: Chief Minister, what is the decision-making process for making land available at the University of Canberra or near Calvary Hospital?

MR BARR: Land at the University of Canberra would be a decision for the University of Canberra council. Land at Calvary Hospital, depending on where within the Calvary Hospital precinct it is, would either be the responsibility of Calvary or, if there was adjoining land that was either commonwealth or ACT government owned, there would be the appropriate processes either through the commonwealth or through the territory.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Coe.

MR COE: Chief Minister, what is the due process that you referred to in answer to the first question about when a block of land for IGA East Row House will be provided?

MR BARR: There is an assessment process undertaken within government and a recommendation made to me, as minister. There is also consultation with the planning minister, and then cabinet would make a final decision.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Coe.

MR COE: Minister, in light of that, what is the status of this particular proposal for IGA East Row House, and when do you expect that that land will be made available?

MR BARR: I refer Mr Coe to my earlier answers.

Health—services for women and children

DR BOURKE: My question is to the Minister for Health. Minister, can you update the Assembly on women’s and children’s services provided at ACT health facilities?

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