Page 4035 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 17 November 2015
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“We will be working with them in the new year.” It would be my bet that they will not be working with you, because they will be appalled by this response.
In recommendation 3 the committee said:
The Committee recommends that the Government move an amendment to the ACT Territory Plan to provide for a specific overlay of the uses allowed on land leased by clubs, subject to planning and building codes.
The response was: “Not agreed.” No reform; no movement; no path forward.
Recommendation 5 was:
The Committee recommends that the Government invite representatives of the community sector and the sport and recreation sector and arts sector to join the community clubs taskforce.
The response was: “Agreed in principle.” We then go to recommendation 6, which reads:
The Committee recommends that a taskforce be established ‘to develop an action plan for problem gambling’ with an initial focus, ‘to reduce the duration of gambling problems when they arise in individuals using targeted approaches.’
The response was: “Not agreed.” How can you not agree to have a task force approach? We have task forces for everything. The standard government answer is, “Let’s put a task force in place,” but not when it comes to problem gambling. You just walk away from that. I have not read the little paragraphs below, so I may have got this wrong. I doubt it, because this is a minister who cannot lead and has lost the opportunity here.
Recommendation 7 reads:
The Committee recommends that the Government not apply a Lease Variation Charge when clubs seek to vary their leases to assist in diversifying their revenue base.
The response is: “Noted.” Recommendation 8 reads:
The Committee recommends that the Government not charge planning fees when a club submits Development Applications that assist the club to diversify its revenue base.
The response is: “Not agreed.” So this is about the revenue for the government. It is not about the future of the clubs. And so it goes on. Recommendation 10 reads:
The Committee recommends that the Government remove the $250 per day limit on withdrawals from ATMs in club venues.
The response was:
Not agreed.
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