Page 3491 - Week 11 - Thursday, 24 September 2015

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on Administration and Procedure to look into this proposed rule change for the Assembly. It does not in any way reflect opposition or a reluctance to consider and adopt such a change, because such a change is a worthwhile one. It is simply the normal practice in this place that changes to standing orders are referred to the cross-party committee for deliberation and consideration and for report to this place—nothing more and nothing less than that. This is a not a partisan issue. This is not an issue where there is some political point to be scored. It is simply a sensible process and one that I trust will be able to be resolved promptly so that this worthwhile and important matter can be considered by the Assembly.

MS BERRY (Ginninderra—Minister for Housing, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Minister for Community Services, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Women and Minister assisting the Chief Minister on Social Inclusion and Equality) (11.23): I just wanted to say thank you for coming in today and sharing your culture and your language with us here in the ACT Legislative Assembly.

I confirm the comments made by the Deputy Chief Minister. As Minister assisting the Chief Minister on Inclusion and Equality, I think it is important for us to have a conversation here in the ACT about how we can work together to be a more inclusive and stronger community. I support the motion that this go to the admin and procedures committee for further conversation about how we can do things better.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Standing orders—matters of public importance

MR RATTENBURY (Molonglo) (11.24): I move:

That the following standing orders be amended:

(1) Omit standing order 79, substitute:

“79. A Member may propose to the Speaker that a matter of public importance be submitted to the Assembly for discussion on a sitting day that occurs on a Tuesday. Written notice of the matter shall be given to the Speaker not less than 1½ hours before the time fixed for the meeting of the Assembly; if the Speaker determines that the matter is in order, it shall be submitted to the Assembly.  If more than one matter is proposed for the same day, the Speaker shall determine by lot before the commencement of the sitting the matter to be submitted to the Assembly for discussion that day.”.

(2) Insert new standing order 79A:

“79A. Members of the public may write to the Speaker proposing matters of public importance to be discussed on sitting days that occur on a Thursday.  Such proposals must be received by the Speaker by 11am on the Tuesday before the scheduled Thursday sitting.  If the Speaker determines that the matter is in order, the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure will consider at a meeting on a sitting

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