Page 3046 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 16 September 2015

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Mr Hanson interjecting—

Dr Bourke: Madam Speaker—

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, Mr Hanson! Sit down, Mr Barr. Sit down, Dr Bourke. Mr Hanson, withdraw; on your feet and withdraw.

MR HANSON: Madam Speaker, I withdraw the word “whine”.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Barr, on the motion.

MR BARR: Thank you, Madam Speaker. As I was saying, the Liberal Party have actively opposed the growth of the higher education sector in this city. They have done it at a national level.

Mr Smyth interjecting—

Dr Bourke: On a point of order, Madam Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: Stop the clock.

Dr Bourke: Mr Smyth just called out that the Chief Minister was misleading, and that is unparliamentary.

Mr Hanson: Madam Speaker, on the point of order, I clearly heard what Mr Smyth said. He interjected, “That’s not true.” It may be inappropriate as an interjection but it was certainly not unparliamentary.

MADAM SPEAKER: There has been interjection. I think I did hear the word “mislead” somewhere. Mr Smyth, if you did use the word “mislead” I would like you to withdraw it.

Mr Smyth: Madam Speaker, I am happy to withdraw. All I simply said was, “You can’t mislead.”

MADAM SPEAKER: That is not quite the same as—

Mr Smyth: Which is not quite the same as accusing—

MADAM SPEAKER: Which is not unparliamentary. I did hear the word—

Mr Smyth: But if they are offended, I withdraw.

MADAM SPEAKER: No, you do not need to withdraw. I did hear the word “mislead”, but I did not hear the context. It is well within the parliamentary practice to remind people of the necessity to avoid misleading the parliament. On the question that the motion be agreed to, I call Mr Barr.

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