Page 2570 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 11 August 2015

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would be placed on the priority housing transfer list. An official from your directorate replied, “They have a different status. They are a management-initiated transfer or an out-of-turn transfer. So they do not appear on that priority count.” Minister, how many people are on the management-initiated transfer or out-of-turn waiting list, and how many people will be added to it when all Northbourne Avenue public housing tenants are relocated?

MS BERRY: As new public housing is built for public housing tenants who are in public housing dwellings that are no longer suitable, public housing tenants will be asked whereabouts in Canberra they would like to live. Housing ACT will consult with existing tenants in those buildings that are going to be part of the renewal program and they will be moved into housing that better suits their needs. There is no actual requirement for lists to change or numbers on lists to change as a result of new public housing dwellings being built across the ACT. I cannot see that there would be any movement from the current—

Ms Lawder: A point of order, Madam Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: A point of order. Stop the clock, please.

Ms Lawder: The question was specifically about how many people are on the management-initiated transfer waiting list.

MADAM SPEAKER: I draw the minister’s attention to standing order 118(a), which states that the answer shall be concise and directly relevant to the subject matter. I know that the minister was talking around the issue of the management-initiated waiting list, but the question was specifically about how many people were on it and how many people would be added in relation to Northbourne Avenue. Could you keep that in mind when answering the question, Minister Berry?

MS BERRY: Thank you, Madam Speaker. I can say that for Housing ACT waiting lists—are you talking about transfers or are you talking about waiting lists for the public housing tenants on Northbourne Avenue? I might have to come back with some information about any changes to the waiting lists that currently exist for people who are moving throughout our system. But I can inform Ms Lawder about waiting times for households who are waiting for transfers to another public housing property. As of 3 August, for the priority housing list the number of applications for transfer was 101.

Ms Lawder: A point of order, Madam Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: A point of order. Can we stop the clock, please?

Ms Lawder: It goes to relevance. The question was about the third list that we heard about during estimates, not the public housing waiting list or the transfer list. This was a management-initiated or out-of-turn waiting list that I was asking about.

MADAM SPEAKER: Minister Berry, on the point of order, could you come to that?

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