Page 2500 - Week 08 - Thursday, 6 August 2015

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(c) With regard to the numbers of subacute beds at the Calvary Hospital this year and for the past four financial years, the beds available in our public hospitals accommodate a variety of differing care types and acuity levels. Whether the patients in our inpatient wards are acute or subacute is based on demand.

(3) In relation to the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children:

(a) There are currently a total of 139 available beds.

(b) There is built capacity for 146 acute beds in the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children. The number of beds available for the next five financial years will depend on demand and are subject to decisions taken by the Government in the Budget process.

(4) In relation to the Adult Mental Health Unit:

(a) There are currently a total of 35 available beds.

(b) There is built capacity for 40 beds in the Adult Mental Health Unit. The number of beds available for the next five financial years will depend on demand and are subject to decisions taken by the Government in the Budget process.

Hospitals—University of Canberra
(Question No 432)

Mr Hanson asked the Minister for Health, upon notice, on 3 June 2015:

Given that on 14 May 2015 it was reported that ACT Health stated that the new University of Canberra would have, in addition to 140 beds, 75 spaces for non-overnight services and that these were not traditional beds and that the treatment could occur in a pool, gym or in consulting rooms, how (a) has the figure of 75 spaces been calculated, (b) many consultation rooms are included in the calculation of 75 spaces, (c) is the pool included in the calculation of 75 spaces and (d) is the gym included in the calculation of 75 spaces.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(a) The figure of 75 places in Day Services has been calculated from:

25 places for the mental health rehabilitation day service

25 places for the aged care day service

25 places for the adult rehabilitation day service.

The number of 25 places for each day service was proposed in the Report from the Subacute Hospital Planning Workshop held on 9 November 2012 (dated 4 January 2013) by Associate Professor Chris Poulos. This Report was tabled in the ACT Legislative Assembly on 4 June 2015.

(b) The consultation rooms at the University of Canberra Public Hospital are not included in the calculation of the 75 Day Service places. Consultation rooms are spaces within which the treatment and/or therapy provided to patients (inpatients, Day Service patients, or outpatients) is delivered.

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