Page 2477 - Week 08 - Thursday, 6 August 2015

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outdoor fitness stations in Gungahlin and Phillip, the upgrade of play space equipment at Point Hut Pond District Park and reforms to reduce the incidence of alcohol-related harms, to name a few.

As you can see, this is a wide-ranging list of issues the ACT government is currently working towards and that the community is asked to provide input on. Some recent public consultations have included the potential health risks of e-cigarettes, the strategic bushfire management plan review, Canberra brickworks development and the visionary West Basin waterfront plan. The West Basin plan for an enlivened waterfront on the western banks of Lake Burley Griffin was released for public comment on 5 June 2015, and it is a central component of the broader city to lake project.

The community have been invited to provide feedback on the revised design, have their say on the types of commercial activities, community facilities and events they would like to see at West Basin in the future. The feedback received during the community engagement process will inform the design of the West Basin waterfront and assist in developing a strategy for the wider precinct. The consultation period used qualitative and quantitative social research methods. New consultation tools were used to engage with the target audience, such as providing feedback over and through social media or posting comments directly on to the design using an interactive map. (Time expired.)

Discussion concluded.


Motion (by Ms Burch) proposed:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Hiroshima bombing—70th anniversary

MR RATTENBURY (Molonglo) (4.19): I rise today to reflect that it is the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, the first use of a nuclear weapon. Today in Civic Square the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom ACT branch held a commemoration ceremony. I was pleased to see both Ms Fitzharris and Ms Berry drop by during what was a very moving ceremony.

A key part of that ceremony was the reading of a poem called Boy with a Flute by local poet Jane Vaughan Donnelly, who lives in Curtin. I would like to share that poem with members because I think it was very beautifully written and one that encapsulates the issue very well:

In a temple, in a garden, on an island in a lake,

Hideki and his mother stand, heads bowed.

It’s late July. There are the gentle sounds

Of insect hum and quiet conversations

Among birds, but under all that, the stillness

Is profound. It is a place of peace.

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