Page 2401 - Week 08 - Thursday, 6 August 2015

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The public housing development in Narrabundah is for nine new public housing dwellings. As part of that public housing renewal program, there will be some 70 public housing dwellings that no longer suit people’s needs that will be removed, demolished, out of the Narrabundah suburb. I understand that this was one of the concerns that the old Narrabundah community raised. If their concern is the density of public housing in Narrabundah, it does not make any sense when you do the math: we are putting nine in and demolishing 72 in 2017-18. I wanted to bring that to the attention of the Assembly and to the attention of Mr Doszpot.

Child development service

Ministerial statement

MS BURCH (Brindabella—Minister for Education and Training, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for Disability, Minister for Racing and Gaming and Minister for the Arts) (10.07): I am pleased to address the Assembly today about the ACT government’s plans to support children with developmental delay and disability in the ACT. Since the national disability insurance scheme commenced on 1 July last year, it is influencing significant change in service delivery to the benefit of people with a disability in the ACT. The NDIS is providing funds for people with a diagnosed disability and children with developmental delays in one or more areas, such as delays in communication or mobility skills. This funding is based on principles of reasonable and necessary support for each individual with goals and aspirations to lead a fulfilling life.

The ACT government supports the need for greater choice and control for people with a disability. Each individual and their family who experience disability knows best what they need, when they need it and how they wish to access those services. With individually controlled NDIS funding packages, people are encouraged to look beyond traditional support service providers. Individuals no longer have to ask how they fit into the service system. Now it is a case of how they can build personal and tailored supports to meet their needs and aspirations.

As members would be aware, to assist in this transition and to ensure that all individuals with a disability and their families and carers have maximum support, the ACT government has made this decision to gradually withdraw from service delivery. The transition will include Therapy ACT, which will continue to deliver services until December 2016.

The ACT government is taking a gradual approach to withdrawing government therapy services in line with the phasing of participants to the NDIS. Therapy ACT is working with children and their families for their planning discussions with the NDIA and also assisting families to transition to other service providers. Therapy ACT is also working to develop the therapy sector and advising government where further growth is needed.

By gradually withdrawing from government therapy and early intervention services, the ACT government is creating a space for non-government organisations to deliver

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