Page 2152 - Week 07 - Thursday, 4 June 2015

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(5) The response to this question is contained in the attached Spreadsheet.

(Copies of the attachments are available at the Chamber Support Office).

Land—extension of time fees
(Question No 408)

Mr Coe asked the Treasurer, upon notice, on 5 May 2015 (redirected to the Chief Minister):

In relation to extension of time fees

(6) How many times was an extension of time fee collected in each of the financial years since 2001-2012.

(7) What was the total amount of the fees collected in each of the years in part (1).

(8) What is the current extension of time fee liability accruing over blocks that have not been developed.

(9) How does the Government account for these uncollected fees in the Budget.

Mr Barr: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

2001-2002 – No records available

2002-2003 – No records available

2003-2004 – 9 Completed applications recorded

2004-2005 – 121 Completed applications recorded

2005-2006 – 135 Completed applications recorded

2006-2007 – 157 Completed applications recorded

2007-2008 – 132 Completed applications recorded

2008-2009 – 267 Completed applications recorded

2009-2010 – 515 Completed applications recorded

2010-2011 – 400 Completed applications recorded

2011-2012 – 352 Completed applications recorded

Disaggregated financial information is only available for the 2008-2009 financial year and beyond. Please see below:









As at 30 June 2014, the directorate included a provision in its accounts of an estimated $4.3 million in outstanding extension of time fees.

The provision is included as a receivable in the budget.

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