Page 2098 - Week 07 - Thursday, 4 June 2015

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Environment and Planning Directorate manages fish stocks in the ACT for the ACT government and conducts regular monitoring of the recreational fish stocks in Canberra’s urban lakes. The government stocks approximately 50,000 fish each year throughout Canberra’s lakes and ponds with over three-quarters of a million fish having been stocked since the year 2000. Yerrabi pond is one of the ACT’s water bodies that are regularly stocked with Murray cod and golden perch. In 2013-14 the fish stocking program released 11,000 Murray cod fingerlings into Yerrabi pond.

I commend the report to the Assembly.


Ms Burch presented the following paper:

Improvements in Energy Efficiency and Heating and Cooling Needs in ACT public schools—Report to the ACT Legislative Assembly, pursuant to the resolution of the Assembly of 18 February 2015, concerning school infrastructure maintenance, dated 4 June 2015.

Auditor-General’s report No 2 of 2015—government response

Paper and statement by minister

MR RATTENBURY (Molonglo—Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Minister for Justice, Minister for Sport and Recreation and Minister assisting the Chief Minister on Transport Reform): For the information of members I present the following paper:

Auditor-General Act—Auditor-General’s Report No 2/2015—The Rehabilitation of Male Detainees at the Alexander Maconochie Centre—Government response.

I ask leave to make a statement in relation to the paper.

Leave granted.

MR RATTENBURY: In April this year the Auditor-General finalised the report into rehabilitation of male detainees at the Alexander Maconochie Centre and made it available to the Speaker. The Speaker provided it to members of this place consistent with the provisions of the Auditor-General Act. The report was formally tabled here during our sittings in May. The audit had been initiated in mid-2014 and the final report came after many months of work by audit office staff, with significant support by ACT Corrective Services to facilitate the work of the audit office.

The Auditor-General’s report has raised some concerns in relation to case management and rehabilitation program management at the AMC. It has also identified some gaps in the case management framework as a potential weakness in effective delivery of rehabilitation. The government acknowledges there is a need for improvement in the delivery of programs and intends to use the recommendations in the report as the basis for continued improvement. In particular, the government

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